Jaundice or icterus is the condition characterized by yellow coloration of the skin, mucous membrane and deeper tissues due to increased bilirubin level in blood.
The normal serum bilirubin level is 0.5 to 1.5 mg/dL. Jaundice occurs when bilirubin level exceeds 2 mg/dL.
Types of Jaundice
Jaundice is classified into three types:
1. Prehepatic or hemolytic jaundice.
2. Hepatic or hepatocellular jaundice.
3. Post hepatic or obstructive jaundice.
1. Prehepatic or Hemolytic Jaundice Hemolytic jaundice: type of jaundice that occurs because of excessive destruction of RBCs resulting in increased blood level of free (unconjugated) bilirubin. The function of liver is normal. Since the quantity of bilirubin increases enormously, the liver cells cannot excrete that much bilirubin rapidly. So, it accumulates in the blood resulting in jaundice.
causes i. Liver failure. ii. Renal disorder. iii. Hypersplenism. iv. Burns. v. Infections such as malaria. vi. Hemoglobin abnormalities such as sickle cell anemia or thalassemia. vii. Drugs or chemical substances causing red cell damage. viii. Autoimmune diseases.
2. Hepatic or Hepatocellular or Cholestatic Jaundice: This is the type of jaundice that occurs due to the damage of hepatic cells. Because of the damage, the conjugated bilirubin from liver cannot be excreted and it returns to blood.
Causes i. Hepatitis or cirrhosis of liver. ii. Alcoholism. iii. Exposure to toxic materials.
3. Post hepatic or Obstructive or Extrahepatic Jaundice: This type of jaundice occurs because of the obstruction of bile flow at any level of the biliary system. The bile cannot be excreted into small intestine. So, bile salts and bile pigments enter the circulation. The blood contains more amount of conjugated bilirubin.
Causes i. Gallstones. ii. Cancer of biliary system or pancreas.
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